Wednesday 30 June 2010

How our music video relates to Goodwin's 6 points.

Genre characteristics:

The genre is Hip Hop and the conventions of a Hip Hop genre music video is usually girls being the dominant, main feature like our music video.
We will be using low/high angles while they are on the tables which is used in Hip Hop videos to give a variety of shots.
WE are hoping to make the location where we are dancing on tables as dark as possible to create the image of a Hip Hop video as they commonly use dark settings.


From the lack of lyrics as we only have minimal words, we haven't related our lyrics to what you see as the lyrics have no meanings.


During the song it has a moment of a fast beat for 3 seconds. We plan to have a flick through of footage which changes at each beat.
Also, when the beat in the song starts we want to change the scene as it shows the change.

Need to sell artist:

Our artists in the music video appear attractive as they are strutting towards the camera and the close-up of the lips in red can appear as sexual by the colour and closeness.


It's inspired by Hip Hop artists in general as we want it to show the same conventions.


It is pleasurable to watch as it's entertaining to watch people dancing. The close-up of the lips can be enjoyable to watch as it can appear as fairly sexual.

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